Moodistory App Update News

Find out what has changed since the very first release of Moodistory.
This page is updated with every app update.

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Version 2.5.1 | June 4, 2022

This is a minor update to polish our newly released “Easy Backup & Restore”.
Additionally, we have corrected some display issues on the calendar view.

Version 2.5 | June 1, 2022

Moodistory now comes with an “Easy Backup & Restore” feature, minimizing the risk of data loss. With just a tap, a data backup will be created and directly uploaded to iCloud. If you want, you can even let Moodistory create backups automatically.
Since we have a privacy-first approach, this feature if fully optional. You can activate it in “Menu & Settings” → “Backups & Data” → “Easy backup & restore”.
Additionally, Moodistory can now remind you to create backups regularly (independently of whether you are using the traditional/manual backup or the new backup using iCloud).
On top, we’ve improved a lot under the hood, making it the best version of Moodistory to date.

Version 2.4 | February 24, 2022

Kickstart or enrich your mood diary with our new feature, the CSV import! Did you collect mood data in Excel or Google Sheets? – Now you can import this data directly into Moodistory! Are you tired of your current mood tracker and want to switch to Moodistory without starting from scratch? – Export as CSV from your old mood tracker and import that into Moodistory using the CSV import! It’s really super easy.

You may wonder: I’m using a whole different mood rating system than Moodistory is using – how is it even possible to import such data? – Here’s where our CSV import shines: You can map your mood ratings to Moodistory’s mood rating system right within the CSV import. The app will scan your file for all moods and lets you choose how you would like to map them to Moodistory’s mood levels. – And remember: The number of mood levels is also customizable within Moodistory. This, for example, means you can keep your precious 5-level scale or – if you want – switch to a 6-level scale.

The CSV import can be found in “Menu & Settings” → “Data” → “Import from CSV”. All you need is an input file with columns named ‘date’ (in the format yyyy-MM-dd), ‘time’ (in the format HH:mm:ss) and mood (any kind of format – number or text, all is fine). Any additional column/information can be imported into “Notes & Thoughts” of an entry. This means, you won’t lose any data.

Besides the CSV Import, we’ve improved the event category customization screen. Now, changing the order of the categories works much more intuitive and faster.

Version 2.3.1 | October 5, 2021

A new theme, an even better Apple Watch app and lots of improvements under the hood are the package that comes with this new update!

While the last update brought you the CSV export and the ability to add events to entries on the Apple Watch, we were now focusing on the little things that make your life easier. For example, there’s now a ‘share’ button on the daily calendar view. Also, the data synchronization between the Apple Watch and your iPhone has been improved dramatically.

The sugar on top of this update is the new color theme called ‘Playful’. We hope you’ll like it!

Version 2.3 | September 17, 2021

Moodistory now comes with a customizable CSV export and a highly improved Apple Watch app.

With the CSV export, you’ll be able to further use your created mood data in any other program such as Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets.

You may have heard the saying “same same but different”, meaning that something is similar but not quite. If you look at CSV files, this is exactly the case. A CSV file created by Excel is slightly different from a CSV file you would use in Numbers. A CSV file can use a comma OR a semicolon to separate fields. To account for all these cases, we decided to add customization options to make your life easier! If you’re not sure what all this means, you’re usually good using the default settings for the CSV export.

We got a lot of feedback from Apple Watch users asking for the possibility to add events/activities. – We’ve heard you! 🙂 From now on, you have the full list of events/activities available on your Apple Watch. Additionally, we’ve slightly improved the layout on the main page, making more place for information and using less space for buttons.

Last but not least, we’ve improved a lot under the hood. As a result of this, page breaks on the PDF export work much better than before.

Version 2.2.4 | July 9, 2021

Better analytics! We are very happy to finally roll out our custom date picker which lets you perform a better analysis of your mood data.
This means that you are NOT stuck with any predefined time ranges anymore. Now, you can pick the start- and end-date of any analysis on your own. Sounds like a small change but offers great new ways to look at your data. Since we wanted to make your life as easy as possible, the date picker will remember your time ranges. This means you can easily reuse a time range without the hassle of entering the start- and end-date again.

Besides the new date picker, we’ve improved a few other things: If you’re using the ‘Create entry’-widget, you will like the following improvement: Once you tap on a mood rating within that widget, you will be taken directly to the event selection screen (instead of the mood rating screen), saving you one tap. 🙂

This update comes with 7 new (user requested) icons for your events: a few faces (for happy, sad, neutral), book (2 icons), home office, and a calendar icon.

We’ve taken care of a few rough edges to improve the overall experience.

Version 2.2.3 | April 3, 2021

This update takes care of a few (layout) edges to improve the overall experience.

Version 2.2.2 | March 24, 2021

This is a minor update to improve the layout for devices with display zoom enabled. Additionally, we’ve optimized some screens (e.g. event creation) to improve the overall experience.

Version 2.2.1 | March 4, 2021

This is a minor update to polish our newly released widgets.

Version 2.2.0 | February 27, 2021

Widgets! 🙂 We’ve added 5 different kinds of widgets ready to be added to your home screen. You can now create entries even faster, check today’s (average) mood, and see your 14 days trend. There’s also a very special widget that lets you focus on the positive moments that you’ve had. The ‘Positive moments’ widget shows (randomly selected) images that you’ve added to diary entries with a positive mood.
Besides widgets, we’ve polished the layout, reworked a few texts, and fixed minor bugs.

Version 2.1.0 | December 4, 2020

We are very happy to deliver a new analytics chart for you: the time chart. Now you can see at a glance how your mood usually changes throughout the day. You can even tap on a time slot to get more stats and read through all the linked entries. With this, it’s super easy to find out what’s triggered a positive or negative mind at a certain time of the day. This new time chart is fully customizable and can also be hidden if you feel that it’s not applicable for you (e.g. if you create just one entry per day).
Since we were working on improving the analytical part of our app, we’ve made improvements to the distribution chart:
Tap on “…” right next to the headline to show a new alternative graph. Also, you can now tap on any mood within the distribution chart to open a details page.
We’ve additionally improved the analytics details page for the weekday: Now there’s also a list of events and activities.
Last but not least, you can sort the list of events on the main analytics page: Tap on “…” to choose the sorting type.

Version 2.0.0 | October 21, 2020

Presenting: the Timeline! Browsing and reading through your mood diary entries is much easier now. The Timeline view lets you see nearly all details of your created entries in a compressed view that also visualizes which entries were created on the same day. You can enable the Timeline view by tapping on the icon in the upper left-hand corner on the Home screen. Tap again to switch back to the default view.
Additionally, you can now load more than 10 entries on the home screen. How? – Just scroll down to the very bottom of the list and tap on ‘More’. This combined with the new Timeline view lets you read through all of your diary entries from beginning to end without any break.
Since we were already working on improving the readability of diary entries, we’ve also given the entry details screen a small makeover: The edit mode looks much cleaner since we’ve moved the ‘Delete’-button to the very bottom of the screen.
Good news for people using external keyboards: Moodistory is now optimized for that.
As always, we’ve also corrected some bugs and made minor layout optimizations.
Last but not least we would like to give the iPhone 12 family a warm welcome! – Our app is now also optimized to run on iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max. 🙂

Version 1.9.9 | September 24, 2020

This is a quick update to correct an issue related to the usage of custom icons.
Thank you for everyone reporting it!

Version 1.9.8 | September 23, 2020

With this update, we are mainly focusing on very minor improvements and on fixing layout issues on the Apple Watch that some users have experienced with the latest watchOS 7 update.
Creating new entries is now a bit easier on the daily calendar view: You can create entries for that day right away by tapping on the + icon in the upper right-hand corner.

Version 1.9.7 | August 12, 2020

We are super excited to present our brand new update, bringing a frequently requested feature: images. From now on, you can add images and photos to your diary entries. We’ve tinkered with the design to integrate them in a pleasant and natural way. The result is an interactive image view: By default, you will just see a (user-defined) cropped image, but if you tap on it, the whole image becomes visible. If you tap and hold on the image, the image opens in fullscreen. Now you can zoom and scroll just like you’re used from the Photos app. If you swipe down to or tap and hold again, you can close the fullscreen.
Of course, all images can also be printed to a PDF document. Also, the data backup will include all images along with the journal data. Speaking of data backup – there is now a progress indicator that gives you an idea of how long it will take to finish. Up until now, the data backup was a matter of seconds. But with images, the data can get quite large. That’s why we’ve added a progress indicator.

Regarding minor changes, we’ve added icons for ‘Plus’ and ‘Minus’.
As always we’ve also fixed minor bugs: corrected daily view scrolling position, theme deletion now also works for user-created themes, changing colors of an active theme now works correctly.

Version 1.9.6 | May 14, 2020

This is a quick update for the Apple Watch to synchronize Moodistory’s set language (on your iPhone) to your Apple Watch.

Version 1.9.5 | May 13, 2020

Apple Watch support! 🙂 Yes, with this update, Moodistory now supports the Apple Watch. This means that you can now create journal entries directly from your wrist, making it even easier for you to keep a mood diary. You can set your mood using swipe or using the digital crown and add notes & thoughts.
Additionally, you can view your recently created entries and check the trend of your mood directly on your Apple Watch. Our watch app also supports complications, meaning you can add a shortcut to your favorite watch face.

Version 1.9.4 | April 24, 2020

We’re very happy to finally deliver our new update with additional features & improvements. – Powered by the precious feedback that we’ve received from the best of all: our users 🙂

New features:
As you know, Moodistory comes with a set of events to describe your day. You can fully customize those events but none of those changes could be reverted. From now on, you can! Go into Menu & Settings → Events list & categories → Defaults to find all options to restore an event or whole event categories.

We received some feedback that during entry creation you would like to skip some steps and e.g. only record your mood. That’s why there’s now a ‘Quicksave’ button. Just tap on the page indicators on the top in the middle to bring up this button. Tap again to proceed and skip any following screens.

You can now change Moodistory’s app icon background color, so the app fits even better to all the other app icons on your iPhone. To set the background color, go into Menu & Settings → Events list & categories → Customize Moodistory → App icon.

Since iOS 13, it is possible to change the language of any app that supports more than one language. Just open the app’s setting (from your iPhone Settings) and look for ‘Language’. To make things easier, there’s a shortcut to that setting within Moodistory: Go into Menu & Settings → Events list & categories → Customize Moodistory → Change language. For technical reasons, event names & categories may still be in the previously set language but you can automatically translate them – just go into Menu & Settings → Events list & categories → Defaults → Switched language.

For those who are already familiar with Moodistory and just did a fresh install, you can now skip the tutorial: On the welcome screen, enter your name and tap on the text ‘Skip tutorial’.

We’ve also fixed a few bugs – most important ones being: The list of reminders is now sorted, also for 12h time format. The location selection screen now uses the correct colors even if your iPhone is set to dark mode. Renaming categories will now make sure that you are not creating doubles.

And finally, we are happy that Moodistory is now fully available in Spanish and French!

Version 1.9.3 | February 29, 2020

This update improves the ‘Create PDF’ feature by giving you more customization options.
First and most importantly we’ve learned that some users would like to see a more compact PDF, so that print outs are smaller and more information is visible at a glance. To achieve this, we are now giving you 2 additional options to set the size of events/activities and set the size for the mood rating.
Additionally, we’ve added the new time range option ‘Last Week’, making it’s easier and faster for you to create PDF documents for the previous calendar week.
We’ve also fixed a few bugs – most importantly we’ve solved the issue when all categories and events were deleted.

Version 1.9.2 | February 11, 2020

We’re happy to present you a little update of our app with new icons for activities and events! We’ve received some requests for icons and decided to add as much as we can for this update. In total, we have 41 new icons for you and a new category called “Health”.
This is a rather small update but we are already working on new features and improvements for the coming updates. 
P.S. We’re happy to have Moodistory now also completely in Chinese (Simplified). ?

Version 1.9.1 | January 22, 2020

This is a minor update that fixes a few bugs and removes a calendar visualization glitch that some have experienced.
In parallel, we are already working on the next new features coming soon to your iPhone.
We think that you will like it, so stay tuned!

Version 1.9 | January 11, 2020

We are very excited that we can finally deliver the feature ‘customizable categories’ to you. While you could already create your very own events/activities, you can now also fully customize the categories. Rename or delete existing categories, create new categories and change the order in which they appear. ‘Customizable categories’ was the top requested feature to date and we are so happy to finally bring it to you.
Another topic we got a lot of feedback for are the ‘Recent events’. Some of you mostly use the events that are available in ‘Recent’. So, in order to speed up the entry creation process, you can now make ‘Recent’ the starting category during the event selection. To activate this, go to ‘Menu & Settings’ -> ‘Customize Moodistory’ -> enable ‘Events Screen – Recent’.
There’s also a new event for ‘Karaoke’. Just as a heads-up: We’re going to give you more customization options for icons in one of our future updates, so you will also be able to use any emoji (and more).
Last but not least we fixed a few minor bugs: When Touch ID / Face ID / Passcode is enabled and you switch to another app and back into Moodistory, you will come back to the screen you’ve been leaving from. We’ve also fixed a calendar-display issue that appeared on the 1st and last day of a month. And navigating between monthly and yearly view is now working correctly.

Version 1.8.5 | December 9, 2019

This update brings minor changes, but a lot has happened under the hood to improve the overall experience with Moodistory.
We’ve worked on a theme that is especially helpful for people living with red/green color blindness. It’s called “P-Orange” and uses a combination of purple and orange.
Since we are already in December, the calendar will now also show the coming new year 2020.
Last but not least we’ve fixed a few bugs (e.g. on some devices, the Touch ID authentication appeared multiple times if it was enabled).
P.S. Moodistory is now also available fully in Japanese. ?

Version 1.8.2 | November 6, 2019

This update adds more events/activities and icons to Moodistory. We got the feedback that icons about the weather would be helpful, so we created 12 new icons and put them into a new category called “Weather”. We’ve also added icons for “Guitar”, “Playground”, “Lock”, “Computer” and “Going to the park”.
Additionally, we’ve improved the PDF-Export. There’s now a new selection for the time range (“Last Month”) and very long texts are now handled in a better way.
Last but not least we’ve taken care of some bugs: the notes and thoughts field will now always show the whole text; the “Missing entry”-row on the home screen will now correctly disappear (even if we have a switch to or from the daylight saving time).

Version 1.8.1 | October 25, 2019

Our previous major update about 2 weeks ago was all about customization: fully customizable themes, customizable mood scale. With our new update, we did focus on the smaller things in Moodistory and fixed a few minor bugs.

Version 1.8 | October 9, 2019

This brand new update is one of the biggest we’ve ever released to this day and we’re super excited to finally bring it to you! All new features that are listed below are there, thanks to the many feedbacks we’ve received from you! Thank you so much for every single one who has taken the time to send feedback and ideas. But let’s continue to the new features:
We’ve not just added new themes for Moodistory – you can now even change existing or create your own individual themes. Finally, YOU can decide if dark green is more positive than light green, or the other way around. ?
We also wanted to give you more choices when it comes to the scaling of your mood. We originally thought that a 6-point scale fits perfectly. But we’ve learned that this doesn’t fit everyone – some users were especially missing a neutral mood. Therefore, you now have the option to define the range of the mood scale: Choose any range between a 2-point up to an 11-point scale.
But what if you already have a lot of diary entries and now would like to switch the scale? – No problem! You just have to make a link between the “old” and the “new” rating levels. Moodistory fully supports this approach, so you can switch to any mood scale, no matter if you have already created entries.
Another new feature is the option to set the start of the week. Previously, Moodistory would automatically use the start of the week that is set on your iPhone. But now, you can simply override this.
While iOS 13 introduced cool new features, it also introduced a few layout glitches to Moodistory. However, this is now a thing of the past.
Our list of activities / events has again increased since we’ve added 4 new items for “Binge eating”, “Throw up”, “Sick leave” and “Take meds”.
Last but not least we took care of some minor bugs, improved some texts and optimized the layout on some screens.

Version 1.7 | August 9, 2019

We are very excited to present you a new way of visualizing the trend of your mood: the year in pixels by day. It is an awesome looking graph where you can filter days by mood and go right into the details by tapping on a day. You should try it out yourself! – Open Moodistory, select the calendar, switch to the yearly view and tap on any of the year headings (the ones with an arrow).

We’ve also worked a lot under the hood of Moodistory to polish the user experience and make it here and there a little bit smoother. One outcome of this is our new menu icons at the bottom. Let us know what you think about them!

Last but not least, we’ve fixed a few tiny little bugs.

Version 1.6.1 | July 11, 2019

Summer is here and so is a new and hot update of Moodistory. It’s again an updated that is all about the feedback that we have received! Thank you so much – your feedback is the fuel to improve Moodistory! ? But let’s get right into the details of what is new in this update:

We’ve thoroughly reworked the reminders. Since we have the feature for random reminders for quite some time, we thought that we could also add an option for random notification sounds. Meaning, you can now create random notifications with random sounds. Of course, you can also just simply select a specific reminder sound for a notification. We’ve created 8 completely new and exclusive sounds just for Moodistory – let us know if you like them! Reworking the reminders did also solve an issue where und certain conditions, random reminders would sometimes not show at all. This is now a thing of the past!

But we’ve not just worked on the reminders – we’ve started to work on improving the accessibility for people with blindness by supporting VoiceOver.
Also, we’ve improved the backup & restore feature. Backups will not be saved as a zip-archive taking much less space on your phone. Of course, existing backups can still be restored (and always will!).
There’s a now a new option for the PDF-Export: Sorting. You can now decide whether you would like to see newer entries first, or older entries first in the PDF document.
Last but not least, we’ve fixed a few bugs.

Version 1.6.0 | April 17, 2019

This is the biggest update since we’ve released Moodistory! A lot of changes were made under the hood to make the app smoother overall. But our main focus has been, of course,​ your feedback! – Thanks to you, Moodistory hast improved! ? Find out what is new and has changed:

  • The sequence of months on the calendar is now the same as in any other calendar app. Previously, the calendar showed the latest month at the top. This came with one disadvantage: When time passes and a new month starts, it was hard to read the mood patterns. The solution to this issue was straight forward: we’ve reordered the sequence of the months just like you are used from your default calendar app. Also, we’ve significantly improved the calendar loading time for large amounts of entries.
  • The avatar Miyo can now always be maximized. Previously, you could only see the avatar’s text when you were at the top of the page. Now, no matter if you are at the top of a page or somewhere in the middle, you can simply tap the avatar to see the text. Tap it again to make it disappear.
  • Added new function “back to start”. E.g. If you are on the calendar and want to go directly to the current month, then you can hit the calendar-icon again and Moodistory will scroll automatically to the current month.
  • Added new item “Customize” in settings. There, you can change for the entry creation screen whether swiping left will result in a positive mood OR in a negative mood.
  • Added new activities/events for ice skating, handball, cricket, gymnastics, boxing, smoke, non-smoke.
  • Added new icons that you can use to create your own activity/event for your personal energy level (no energy, low, mid, high).
  • Searching for icons or activities/events will now also include the category name. This can speed up your activity/event selection when you create a new diary entry.
  • Completely revised the app’s introduction and tutorials.
  • Fixed bugs: Changes in the notes field will now always save. Fixed a problem where under certain conditions the deletion of an entry would close the app.
  • Fine-tuned the layout here and there throughout the app.
  • Rephrased some texts to be more descriptive.
  • Last but not least we’ve added a link to our blog in “Menu & Settings” -> “About”.

Version 1.5.0 | February 14, 2019

We can’t say it often enough – we are so thankful for all of your feedback! Thanks to you we are going in the right direction of making Moodistory better every day!
And ​starting today, Moodistory has more insights for you! We’ve now added a new chart in the analysis area that nicely shows the trend of your average mood per day. This doesn’t just look beautiful, it also lets you easily identify mood swings. You can find the new chart right in the analysis area, below your average mood.
Since we were already improving our mood charts, we found it useful to also add a new time range (“The last 7 days”) for the analysis area. Please let us know if this fits your needs!
We also got the feedback from you that you want to have something like “often used events” when creating an entry. This feature is actually available for a long time, but it is a bit hidden. – That’s why we’ve added a hint that shows you where to find it: Whenever you come to the events selection screen, just tap on any headline (“Drinks”, “Food”, etc.) and select “Recent”. There you have it – your recently used events. ?
Last but not least we fixed a few bugs and tweaked Moodistory a little.

Version 1.4.4 | January 23, 2019

This update adds a new button to Moodistory: the share-button. Whenever you are using this button, Moodistory creates a beautiful image from your current view and lets you use and share it with any other person or app you want. Now, you can share your mood via Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc. – all with a simple tap.
We’ve also added a new possibility to create a PDF from your entries: If you open one of your diary entries and tap on the share-button, you can choose “Share as PDF” to create a printable PDF document. Because sometimes, you just want to share a single entry and this is a very easy and fast way to do it. Of course, we still have the “Create PDF”-feature that lets you create one PDF document for a selected time frame. ?
Last but not least, we’ve fixed a few little bugs.

Version 1.4.3 | January 9, 2019

A lot of people asked for it – now we’ve added it: “Random reminders”. ? You can now set a time frame in which you will be randomly reminded to add a new diary entry (check our last screenshot here in the App Store). This gives you the opportunity to collect more “distributed” information about your mood over the day. Try it and tell us what you think about it!
We’ve also fixed a few bugs in our reminder engine where under certain circumstances you were not reminded.

Version 1.4.2 | December 21, 2018

Our present to you: The X-Mas Update! ?
We’ve been working on our analysis features and added the drill down function for the days-of-the-week-overview.
That means that you can now tap on any weekday in the analysis section and you’ll get all the details for that day of the week: average mood, distribution, calendar and every single diary entry for the selected day of the week. So, go on and find out what your e.g. Mondays have in common!
As always, we’ve also made minor improvements to Moodistory and fixed a few bugs.

Version 1.4.1 | December 6, 2018

Version 1.4.1 solves minor bugs and improves performance & usability.

Version 1.4 | November 28, 2018

Thank you so much for all your feedback!
The last version was all about adding the location to your entries without any additional effort!
This brand new version is all about printing, sharing and keeping a future-proof backup of your entries. We are making this possible through our new feature “Create PDF”. You can now create a beautiful PDF document for your journal entries in no time! Just select the time range and Moodistory writes all journal entries within the time range to a PDF document that you can then share via E-Mail/Messenger or just use to print out your entries. You can also select which details of your entries you would like to see in the PDF document: If, for example, you would like to only see the date/time and the mood in the PDF (and nothing more like the location, etc.) you can do that too. Long story short: Go into Moodistory’s settings and try the new “Create PDF” feature yourself.
Besides this new PDF creation feature, we’ve also made some minor changes to improve the overall usability:
Since climbing is quite popular, we’ve added a new activity/event for that.
We’ve also renamed the “Export Data” / “Import Data” into “Backup Data” / “Restore Data” because it better describes what these buttons are there for.
And we made a lot of other very little minor changes that would be too much to list here. ?

Version 1.3 | October 5, 2018

Thanks to all of your valuable feedback we’ve improved Moodistory further.
This new version is all about location, location, location! ? You can now let Moodistory add your current location to your entry automatically (of course you can also set it manually if you want). Meaning that more information is added to your diary entries without the expense of additional time. We’ll add analyses specifically to the location in the future!
We’ve also redesigned the answer details screen, showing you more information at a glance.
There’s now also a new event/activity for “Ice Hockey”.
Last but not least we’ve fixed a few minor bugs (especially the keyboard overlapping the notes field when creating an answer) and we’ve improved the layout for the iPhone XR & iPhone Xs Max.

Version 1.2.3 | September 4, 2018

Thanks to your feedback, we’ve made some improvements in Moodistory! ?
We’ve enabled spelling correction & checking for the notes fields which will also enable the predictive text on your iPhone’s keyboard.
There’s now also one new event (“Money”) with 2 new icons (coins, cash).
Last but not least we’ve fixed a few bugs and improved some layout settings for iPhone X.

Version 1.2.2 | August 27, 2018

Thank you so much for all your feedback sent to us directly or via App Store! Keep it coming ?
This version adds a new 3D Touch Quick Action “Add entry now…” making the creation of new diary entries faster.
We’ve also changed how the search for events is working: If you tap on an event during the search, then the search field is automatically reset (and of course the tapped event gets selected). This should make it more convenient when you search for multiple events in a row.
We’ve also fixed a bug where during event creation, the last item in the category list could not be selected.

Version 1.2.1 | August 19, 2018

  • New event for “Sleeping”
  • Time is now displayed based on your phone’s “Date & Time” settings
  • Bugfixes

Version 1.2 | August 10, 2018

  • Added Help Page
  • Bugfixes

Version 1.1 | August 5, 2018

  • Bugfix for reminders during tutorial
  • Improvements for iPad

Version 1.0 | July 31, 2018

Initial release